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country-profiles:myanmar [2020/01/27 15:16] – [Access to Spectrum] msuantakcountry-profiles:myanmar [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Myanmar ====== 
-Brief About Myanmar 
-The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, commonly shortened to Myanmar. 
-  * The total land area of 676,577 square kilometre 
-  * International borders of 5858 Kilometer with Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand and Laos 
-  * total coastal line length 2832kilometer 
-  * 2090 kilometre (north to south )and 925 kilometres (east to west ) 
-  * 50% of mountains and forests (northern and eastern) 
-  * Over 51.49 million Population 
-  * 135 ethnic groups 
-  * Seven states and seven Regions 
-  * 70% of the population lived in rural areas and occupied in agriculture sectors 
-Natural Resources 
-  * Rice, minerals, teak, hardwood forest, onshore and offshore oil fields, and precious stones such as rubies, jade sapphires, and pearls with the highest quality 
-Telecom Policy and ICT Policy 
-Telecom Policy 
-  * To increase the deployment of national IT infrastructure 
-  * To provide a financially viable telecommunications sector conducive to sustainable investment in telecommunications 
-  * infrastructure 
-  * To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of telecommunications service delivery to end-users 
-  * To provide telecommunication services at the affordable price 
-  * To fulfil universal services obligation to the people of Myanmar 
-ICT Policy 
-  * To promote cooperation for ICT development 
-  * To enhance competitiveness of the ICT sectors 
-  * To promote cooperation to reduce digital divide 
-  * To promote cooperation between State and private sectors 
-  * To increase the availability of information technologies to all the citizens of our country 
-Telecommunications Sector Reform 
-Policy Reform 
-  * The Myanmar Telegraph Act 1885, The Myanmar Wireless Telegraph Act 1934 --> Telecommunications Law 2013 
-  * Telecommunication Service License (Chapter III of Telecommunication Law) --> Anyone who is willing to provide telecommunications facilities and/or telecommunication services shall apply for permission and license 
-Key Objectives of Licensing Regime 
-  * Promote competition and liberalization of the telecom sector in Myanmar 
-  * Ensure transparency in market entrance 
-  * Establish technology-and-service neutral approach to licensing 
-  * Ensure non-discriminatory treatment of similarly situated licensees  
-Laws and Regulations 
-Sr. No  Name                       Issued Date 
-1.      Telecommunication Law      8-10-2013 
-2.      Licensing Rules            14-10-2014 
-3.      Interconnection Rules      6-1-2015 
-4.      Competition Rules          9-6-2015 
-5.      Numbering Rules            3-12-2015 
-6.      Spectrum Rules             7-3-2015 
-Licensing Framework 
-A multi-service licensing framework 
-° to simplify licensing 
-° encourage entry and 
-expansion of services, 
-° increase End-User 
-access to 
-Networks and 
-NFS (I) 
-NFS (C) 
-A maximum of two Telecommunications Service Licenses 
-NFS (C) + NS OR AS 
-Licensing Category 
-NFS license 
-(not exhaustive) 
- Terrestrial fixed line and radio transmission 
-• Submarine cable facilities 
-• Satellite earth station facilities 
-• Mobile base station facilities and passive infrastructure to deploy 
-NS license 
-(not exhaustive) 
-Wire line connectivity services 
-• Terrestrial wireless connectivity services 
-• Satellite uplink/downlink connectivity services 
-• International and domestic network transport and switching 
-• International gateway services 
-AS license 
-(not exhaustive) 
-• Public payphone services 
-• Public switched data services 
-• Audio text hosting services provided on an opt-in basis 
-• Directory services 
-• Internet service provider services 
-• Messaging services and Value-added services 
-(not exhaustive) 
-Towers, masts, ducts 
-• Trenches and poles 
-• Dark fiber  
-Type of License and Licensees 
-^    ^                                 ^ 
-| Sr.|Type of License|Number of Licensees| 
-1. Nationwide Telecommunications 
-License 2 2 4 
-2. Network Facilities Service 
-(Individual) License (NFS-I) 35 11 46 
-3. Network Facilities Service (Class) 
-License (NFS-C) 25 16 41 
-4. Application Service License ( AS ) 17 4 21 
-5. Network Service License ( NS) 9 6 15 
-Total 88 39 127 
-===== National Policy ===== 
-===== Operator Licensing ===== 
-==== Technical and Administrative Requirements ==== 
-==== Licensing Fees ==== 
-===== Access to Spectrum ===== 
-All the guide for application and procedure and fees are here: 
-==== Technical and Administrative Requirements ==== 
-=== Licensed === 
-== Access Networks == 
-^ **Operator**  ^ **800MHz**  ^ **900MHz**  ^ **1800MHz**  ^ **2100MHz**  ^ **2600MHz**  ^ **3500MHz** ^  
-| XYZcom        | None        |  2x10        2x15        |  2x10        |  None        |  None       | 
-== PtP Networks == 
-=== License-Exempt === 
-== Access Networks == 
-^ **Frequency**      ^ **Power Limit**  ^ **Transmit Power**  ^ 
-| //2.4GHz//                         || 
-| 2400 – 2483.5 MHz  | ''2.4EIRP''     || 
-| //5GHz//                       || 
-| 5150-5250 MHz      | ''5.1EIRP''     || 
-| 5250-5350 MHz      | ''5.2EIRP''     || 
-| 5470-5725 MHz      | ''5.4EIRP''     || 
-| 5725-5800 MHz      | ''5.8EIRP''     || 
-== PtP Networks == 
-^ **Frequency**      ^ **Power Limit**  ^ **Transmit Power**  ^ 
-| //2.4GHz//                         || 
-| 2400 – 2483.5 MHz  | ''2.4EIRP''     || 
-| //5GHz//                       || 
-| 5150-5250 MHz      | ''5.1EIRP''     || 
-| 5250-5350 MHz      | ''5.2EIRP''     || 
-| 5470-5725 MHz      | ''5.4EIRP''     || 
-| 5725-5800 MHz      | ''5.8EIRP''     || 
-=== Secondary Use ===  
-== Access Networks == 
-== PtP Networks == 
-==== Spectrum Fees / Costs ==== 
-=== Application === 
-All telecom and communication license application process and fees 
-=== Licensing and Inspection Division === 
-=== Auction === 
-All of telecommunication related tender call are here 
-License holder list 
-Tower list 
-List of the optical fiber path 
-Microwave Band Plan (31 Jan 2019 Update) 
-Public Land Mobile Spectrum (31 Jan 2019 Update) 
-List of FM Station and their license 
-Toll-Free Number list 
-Mobile numbering list 
-===== Backhaul ===== 
-**Telecommunications Infrastructure (August, 2017)** 
-^                                  ^                                                                                  ^ 
-|**Indicator**                     |**Statistic / Description**                                                       | 
-| Telecom Operator                 | 4 (2 from domestic, 2 from International)                                        | 
-|National Fiber Backbone           |549,55.23 Kilometer                                                                  
-|International Submarine Cable     |SEA-ME-WE-3, SEA-ME-WE-5, AAE1 (Ongoing Project)                                  | 
-|Cross-border Fiber                |China – Myanmar, India-Myanmar, Lao-Myanmar, Thailand – Myanmar(4 Links)          | 
-|International Bandwidth           |324.10 Gbps                                                                       | 
-|International Gateway             |5                                                                                 | 
-|Tower Over                        |18,000 towers                                                                     | 
-|Number of Telephone               |Fixed Phone - 0.52 million, Mobile Phone - 55.61 million,  Total - 56.13 million  | 
-|Telephone density                 |108.56 %                                                                          | 
-|Internet Users                    |46.39 Million                                                                     | 
-|Internet Penetration              |89.73%                                                                            | 
-===== Gender ===== 
-===== Universal Service ===== 
-**What is Universal Service?** 
-* a policy goal to ensure that all people in a country have access and are able to use telecommunications services. 
-* in particular for people living in rural and remote parts of the country and poorer households. 
-**Specific objectives of USF** 
-Collect funds => Design programs & projects => Finance those projects / disburse => Monitor implementation => Evaluate impact => Consult stakeholders throughout => Publish results => Publish results 
-Scope of Universal Service 
-^                ^                                            ^ 
-| **Issue**      | **Basic meaning**                          | **Specification**                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 
-| Availability   | All inhabitants have service available     | Coverage of inhabited geographic territory\\ · Region /area\\ · Locality size (e.g., towns, villages,\\ settlements with varying number of inhabitants)                                                                              | 
-| Accessibility  | All inhabitants can access the service     | Gender\\ · Race, tribe, religion\\ · Ability /disability                                                                                                                                                                             | 
-| Affordability  | All inhabitants can afford to pay          | · Access device (e.g., mobile phone)\\ · Cost of calls & services\\ · Minimum “basket” below a certain\\ national limit (e.g., 3% of family income)                                                                          | 
-| Ability        | All inhabitants have the telecom services  | With increasing focus on the broadband\\ Internet, user capabilities become important\\ · Awareness of services and their benefits\\ · Ability to use computers & devices\\ · Ability to navigate the Internet & use ICT\\ services| 
-**Universal Service Strategy Outcomes** 
-  * Increasing & accelerating Voice and Internet broadband provision. 
-  * More people have access to services & applications, as well as the capacity to use them. 
-  * Creating opportunities for both economic & social growth. 
-Program 1 
-Infrastructure Roll-out: Voice & Broadband 
-  * Operators will reach at least 94% by Q1, 2019 
-  * Target: within 5 years 99% of the population to be covered by mobile signal 
-  * Service for an additional 3.2 million people 
-Broadband Internet 
-  * Target: 95% of the population will have broadband Internet within 5 years 
-  * Total estimated subsidy cost USD 25.4 million 
-Program 2 
-ICT Capacity Building: Enabling the Digital Future 
-  * Increase capacity of population to use the Internet for their socio-economic benefit and Myanmar development 
-  * Many links between increased ICT capacity and economic growth and social development  
-Two Sub-Programs 
-  * Broadband Internet connectivity for various learning & other institutions 
-  * Digital literacy project with eligible local organizations  
-Program 3 
-Special Programs 
-  * integrate other aspects of universal service which won’t fit in Program 1&2 
-  * Explore new approaches to be used later in mainstream program 
-Types of Special Projects 
-  * ICT content, service or application for development for rural users/ lower income groups 
-  * Improved access/ usability for persons with disabilities 
-  * Small pilot for broadband connectivity (e.g., rural hospitals) 
-  * Any other pilot or research projects 
-Proposed Pilot 
-  * Funding to translate special software to assist persons with disabilities to use 
-  * ICT – RFP process  
-USF Progress 
-  * Universal Service Strategy (Final) 
-  * Guideline for USF 
-  * Public Consultation 
-  * Implementing Pilot Project 
-  * Implementing Universal Service Strategy 
-===== Laws and Regulations ===== 
-^                  ^                                                            ^  
-|Year              |Law and Regulation                                          | 
-|October, 1885     |Myanmar Telegraph Act (India Act XIII)1                     | 
-|January, 1934     |Myanmar Wireless Telegraph Act (India Act XVII)2             
-|March, 1989       |State-owned Economic Enterprises Law3 
-|October, 1993     |Amendment of Myanmar Wireless Telegraph Act4 
-|September, 1996   |Computer Science Development Law5 
-|April, 2004       |Electronic Transactions Law6 
-|January, 2011     |Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law7 
-|October, 2013     |Telecommunications Law8 
-|December, 2013    |Licensing rules9, Interconnection and access rules10, Spectrum rules11, Numbering rules12 and Competition rules13 
-1. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/myanmar-telegraph-act.htm 
-2. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/myanmar-wireless-telegraphy-act.htm 
-3. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/miscellaneous.htm 
-4. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/amendment.htm 
-5. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/myanmar-computer-science-development-law.htm 
-6. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un-dpadm/unpan041197.pdf 
-7. http://www.mcpt.gov.mm/mcpt/miscellaneous.htm-0 
-8. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/content/telecommunications-law.html 
-9. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/sites/default/files/1 - MCIT - Final Licensing Rules - 122013 CLEAN.pdf 
-10. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/sites/default/files/2 - MCIT - Final Interconnection Rules 122213 CLEAN.pdf 
-11. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/sites/default/files/3 - MCIT - Final Spectrum Rules -122213 CLEAN-1.pdf 
-12. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/sites/default/files/4 - MCIT - Final Numbering Rules – 122213 CLEAN-1.pdf 
-13. http://www.mcit.gov.mm/sites/default/files/4 - MCIT - Final Competition Rules – 122213 CLEAN.pdf 
-===== Resources / References ===== 
-== Coding examples == 
-This could be used to frame specific questions that should be asked 
-<callout type="tip" icon="true">This could be for hints / tips / tricks on finding information, what to look for etc.</callout> 
-<callout type="question" icon="true">A question</callout> 
-<callout type="success" icon="true">A good practice example might look like this</callout> 
-<callout type="danger" icon="true">A bad practice to be aware of might look like this</callout>