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South Africa

National Policy

Telecommunications and internet policy in South Africa is governed by the Electronic Communications Act of 2005. The act has undergone amendments in 2007 and 2014.

The communications sector is government by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ( ICASA). ICASA was established in 2000 by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act which underwent amendments in 2006 and 2014

Licensing Framework

Electronic communication services Individual Class License Exempt
Electronic communications network services (ECNS) An iECNS license allows a company to deploy and operate a physical network at a provincial or national level Class ECNS license allows a company to deploy and operate a physical network at a municipal or local level Option 1
Electronic communications services (ECS) An ECS license is required to deliver any kind of communication service. iECS corresponds with the iECNS license and covers the whole country. A Class ECS license is a service license corresponding to the Class ECNS license

What kinds of operator licenses are there? Unified? Technology agnostic? Are there licenses for small operators? Do ISPs have specfic licenses? What kinds of organisations qualify for license exemption?

License Fees

  • Operator fees
  • License exempt spectrum fees
  • Microwave fixed link fees
  • Fees for MNOs?

Wireless Spectrum

Point to the spectrum allocation framework.


Point to rules for license-exempt spectrum use? Is registration required for WiFi? What is the process for homologation / type approval?

Frequency Power Limit
2400 – 2483.5 MHz 2.4EIRP
5150-5250 MHz 5.1EIRP
5250-5350 MHz 5.2EIRP
5470-5725 MHz 5.4EIRP
5725-5800 MHz 5.8EIRP

Rules for point to point links versus access networks?


Frequencies for microwave links outside of 2.4GHz and 5GHz 11GHz 24GHz 60GHz and others

IMT Spectrum

  • URL for spectrum assignments for mobile operators
  • List major operators and their spectrum assignments
  • Point to coverage maps


  • Information on TVWS or other dynamic spectrum pilots.
  • Pending rules for TVWS
  • links to illustrative country example


  • link to illustrative country example


  • links to backhaul service providers
  • Open Access policies
  • infrastructure sharing policy and regulation


  • links to national gender and ICT policies and initiatives
  • gender at the regulator
  • * number of men in senior management at regulator regMen
  • * number of women in senior management at regulator regWomen

Universal Service

  • Point to universal service policies and obligations.
  • Have Universal Services funds been used to support community networks? How?
  • link to illustrative country example


  • Does cooperative legislation exist?
  • Are there tax relief / incentives available for cooperatives?
  • Are there any limitations on cooperatives providing telecom/internet?
  • link to illustrative country example

Resources / References

  • Other relevant web resources, reports, analysis.
  • link to illustrative country example