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good-practice:towers [2018/11/29 08:54] – [Table] otd_wikigood-practice:towers [2025/03/03 17:12] (current) – updated AntennaKaart otd_wiki
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 ===== Netherlands Antenna Register ===== ===== Netherlands Antenna Register =====
-{{ :good-practice:netherlands_tower_data.jpg?direct&200|}}[[https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0027031/2013-03-15|Dutch regulations]] mandate that any permanently installed antenna installations with a transmitting power greater than 10 decibels Watt (dBW) must be documented in a public data resource. This information is held by the [[https://www.agentschaptelecom.nl|Telecom Agency]] and can be found as [[http://www.antenneregister.nl/Html5Viewer_Antenneregister/Index.html?viewer=antenneregister|map of towers]].  This information is enhanced through the addition of operator information at [[http://4gmasten.nl|4Gmasten.nl]] which breaks down towers by operator as well as providing more general information on spectrum.  Information recorded includes:+{{ :good-practice:netherlands_tower_data.jpg?direct&200|}}[[https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0027031/2013-03-15|Dutch regulations]] mandate that any permanently installed antenna installations with a transmitting power greater than 10 decibels Watt (dBW) must be documented in a public data resource. This information is held by the [[https://www.agentschaptelecom.nl|Telecom Agency]] and can be found as [[http://www.antenneregister.nl/Html5Viewer_Antenneregister/Index.html?viewer=antenneregister|map of towers]].  This information is enhanced through the addition of operator information at [[https://antennekaart.nl/|antennekaart.nl]] which breaks down towers by operator as well as providing more general information on spectrum.  Information recorded includes:
 ^ **Tower Info**         ^ **Antenna Info** (each)  ^ ^ **Tower Info**         ^ **Antenna Info** (each)  ^
 | Service Type           | Height                   | | Service Type           | Height                   |
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 | Id                                              | | Id                                              |
-===== Airtel India ===== 
 +===== Swiss Government =====
 +{{ :good-practice:swiss_towers_2020-01-12_swiss_geoportal.png?direct&200|}}The Swiss government maintain extensive maps of both telecommunications and broadcast infrastructure in Switzerland. This includes a map of [[https://map.geo.admin.ch/?topic=funksender | all radio tower infrastructure]], 2G/3G/4G/5G towers as well as broadcast towers.  Power output is also captured as well as microwave links between the towers.  They also have a [[https://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=en&topic=nga&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-grau&catalogNodes=15066,15041,320&layers_opacity=0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75&layers=ch.bakom.mobilnetz-4g,ch.bakom.downlink300,ch.bakom.downlink100,ch.bakom.downlink30&E=2651333.43&N=1205857.37&zoom=3&layers_visibility=true,false,false,false | 4G coverage map]]. All the day is [[https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.0.0 | available]] in [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Service | WMS]] layers which means it can be integrated with other GIS sources.
 +===== Airtel India =====
 {{ :airtel_india_open_network.png?direct&200|}}In India, veteran operator Airtel have published a new [[https://www.airtel.in/opennetwork/|website entitled Open Network]] in which they map all of their towers for both 2G and 4G networks, as well as identifying where towers are being upgraded and where they are needed. The website goes by the slogan “//Because you have a lot to say. And we have nothing to hide//”. This is strong evidence to illustrate how transparency, far from being a liability, can actually be a powerful tool for marketing. This is the first instance of a commercial operator publishing tower locations. {{ :airtel_india_open_network.png?direct&200|}}In India, veteran operator Airtel have published a new [[https://www.airtel.in/opennetwork/|website entitled Open Network]] in which they map all of their towers for both 2G and 4G networks, as well as identifying where towers are being upgraded and where they are needed. The website goes by the slogan “//Because you have a lot to say. And we have nothing to hide//”. This is strong evidence to illustrate how transparency, far from being a liability, can actually be a powerful tool for marketing. This is the first instance of a commercial operator publishing tower locations.
 +===== Airtel Uganda =====
 +{{:good-practice:airtel_uganda_open_network.png?direct&200 |}}Following the example of their parent company, the [[https://www.airtel.co.ug/openNetworks | Airtel Uganda website]] now contains a map of Airtel towers across Uganda, making them the first mobile network operator on the continent to publish a map of their towers.
 +===== Airtel Nigeria =====
 +===== ARCEP France =====
 +{{ :good-practice:screenshot_2020-03-13_mon_reseau_mobile_arcep.png?200|}}The French regulator, ARCEP (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse), has an excellent resource entitled the [[https://www.arcep.fr/cartes-et-donnees/new-deal-mobile.html|Tableau de bord du New Deal Mobile]] or New Deal Mobile Dashboard which includes datasets with details of all mobile towers as well as coverage and planned 4G coverage maps.  All data is [[https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/5b2b6715c751df6acaf0c2ee/|freely downloadable]] in an open (CSV) format, under an Open Data license.